Alex Jones refiriéndose al gobierno de U.S.: "Probablemente van a escenificar ataques terroristas diciendo que nosotros lo hicimos".
Se refiere a los que generan notas de investigación acerca del terrorismo de Estado que funciona desde hace mucho tiempo en ese país, de esa manera estarían creando una situación que favorecería a un estado policial completo, ley marcial y de paso les crearían un problema a quienes están diciendo la verdad, tal cual hizo Nerón en su momento al quemar Roma e inculpar a los Cristianos, de la misma manera como se hizo con el falso atentado a las torres gemelas el 9/11 e inculpar a un grupo de terroristas?, atacar a varios países, tomar control del petroleo con la consecuencia de mas de un millón de muertos, siendo estos sofisticados terroristas liderados por un tal Osama Bin Laden "ex" agente de la CIA y que comando esos "atentados" desde una cueva en algún lugar de Afganistán.
Con esto no decimos que no existan grupos terroristas, el problema es cuando se usan los medios de comunicación y los poderes del Estado para tomar algo real distorsionándolo para culpar a gente inocente, como también ocurrió en la década de los '70 en América Latina.
También habla en este video de un documento de nombre: "Flash Back Counterinsurgency Manual Leaked, Calls for False Flag Operations, Suspension of Human Rights"
Que es nada mas ni nada menos: "Manual de contrainsurgencia, operaciones de falsa bandera y supresión de los derechos civiles".
El documento:
La nota completa::
Aquí reproducimos parte de la nota:
Julian Assange
Monday June 15, 2008
How to covertly train paramilitaries, censor the press, ban unions, employ terrorists, conduct warrantless searches, suspend habeas corpus, conceal breaches of the Geneva Convention and make the population love it
Counterinsurgency tactics now used in Afghanistan and Iraq were first field tested in Vietnam and Latin America. |
Wikileaks has released a sensitive 219 page US military counterinsurgency manual. The manual, Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces (1994, 2004), may be critically described as “what we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places”. Its contents are both history defining for Latin America and, given the continued role of US Special Forces in the suppression of insurgencies, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, history making.
The leaked manual, which has been verified with military sources, is the official US Special Forces doctrine for Foreign Internal Defense or FID.
FID operations are designed to prop up a “friendly” government facing a popular revolution or guerilla insurgency. FID interventions are often covert or quasi-covert due to the unpopular nature of the governments being supported (“In formulating a realistic policy for the use of advisors, the commander must carefully gauge the psychological climate of the HN [Host Nation] and the United States.”)
The manual directly advocates training paramilitaries, pervasive surveillance, censorship, press control and restrictions on labor unions & political parties. It directly advocates warrantless searches, detainment without charge and (under varying circumstances) the suspension of habeas corpus. It directly advocates employing terrorists or prosecuting individuals for terrorism who are not terrorists, running false flag operations and concealing human rights abuses from journalists. And it repeatedly advocates the use of subterfuge and “psychological operations” (propaganda) to make these and other “population & resource control” measures more palatable.
The content has been particularly informed by the long United States involvement in El Salvador.
In 2005 a number of credible media reports suggested the Pentagon was intensely debating “the Salvador option” for Iraq.[1]. According to the New York Times Magazine:
The template for Iraq today is not Vietnam, with which it has often been compared, but El Salvador, where a right-wing government backed by the United States fought a leftist insurgency in a 12-year war beginning in 1980. The cost was high — more than 70,000 people were killed, most of them civilians, in a country with a population of just six million. Most of the killing and torturing was done by the army and the right-wing death squads affiliated with it. According to an Amnesty International report in 2001, violations committed by the army and associated groups included ‘‘extrajudicial executions, other unlawful killings, ‘disappearances’ and torture. . . . Whole villages were targeted by the armed forces and their inhabitants massacred.’’ As part of President Reagan’s policy of supporting anti-Communist forces, hundreds of millions of dollars in United States aid was funneled to the Salvadoran Army, and a team of 55 Special Forces advisers, led for several years by Jim Steele, trained front-line battalions that were accused of significant human rights abuses.
Selected extracts follow. Note that the manual is 219 pages long and contains substantial material throughout. These extracts should merely be considered representative. Emphasis has been added for further selectivity. The full manual can be found at US Special Forces counter-insurgency manual FM 31-20-3.
Enlace a la nota: "Daily Telegraph nos avisa que habra atentados nucleares":
Isaías 55:6 Buscad a Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano.Isa 55:7 Deje el impío su camino, y el hombre inicuo sus pensamientos, y vuélvase a Jehová, el cual tendrá de él misericordia, y al Dios nuestro, el cual será amplio en perdonar.
Juan 3:16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.